To become a member or to renew your existing membership with the Irish Basketmakers Association please make a payment of €25.
Benefits of becoming a member:
– 3/4 newsletters per year
-access to training from master basket makers (Irish and international)
-Opportunities to take part in our exhibitions and events
-Your name and details on our website (optional)
-Tools at cost price.
-Become part of our basket makers community.
There are 3 ways to make your payment:
1. You can also make on online payment (SEPA transfer) with the following details: (Please put your name and contact details in the Reference)
Payee: Irish Basketmakers Association
Payee Bank: Bank of Ireland, Mullingar Branch
IBAN: IE58BOFI90185388976752
2. If you visit your bank branch you can make an account lodgement with the following details: (Please put your name and contact details in the Reference)
Payee: Irish Basketmakers Association
Payee Bank: Bank of Ireland, Mullingar Branch
NSC: 901853
Account: 88976752
3. We accept payment via the PayPal link below only if option 1 and 2 are not possible.